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PES Leadership Advantage: ENVISION 2022- New Participant


This workshop will take place LIVE at the Chicago PES Conference.

Early Bird Discount available until 3/1/2022

*** This course is only available to PES members – No Prerequisites ***

Session Topics:

  • Planning & Navigating Your Leadership Career (Leadership Fundamentals)
  • Managing Underperformers (Leading & Influencing Others)
  • Creating a Shared Vision (Navigating & Guiding Your Enterprise)


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PESLA Program Architecture

The PES Leadership Advantage program is a member benefit. Leaders who complete all four modules will achieve a certificate in leadership from the Pediatric Endocrine Society. PES Leadership Advantage Modules are Influence, Engage, Inspire, and Envision. At least one module is offered annually. Modules are non-sequential, so they may be completed in any order. The program focuses on three overarching themes:

Leadership Fundamentals

  • The foundational self-skills necessary to becoming an impactful voice at the leadership table

Leading & Influencing Others

  • The competencies and techniques important to developing followership and collaboration

Navigating & Guiding Your Enterprise

  • Setting the bigger picture vision & operating from a strategic framework

PES Leadership Advantage employs a state-of-the-art, blended learning concept. Participants will explore topics and complete self-assessments prior to the workshop. The lively event will focus on team interaction and robust practice for each leadership skill. After the workshop, an instructor-led video conference will allow for rich discussion of how participants are applying skills and offer more ideas for success.

Sign up if you are:

  • A leader wishing to enhance your skills and “toolkit”
  • Exploring a leadership path and starting to build a strong foundation

NOTE: Modules may be completed in any order.